1/9/2020 | 717 views

In any construction investment activity, it is necessary to conduct a judicial inspection of construction. Judicial assessment of construction is the assessment and conclusion of expertise on the issues solicited or requested for expertise in construction investment activities according to the solicitation. The unit performing this task must be a reputable unit with professional capacity and solid professional spirit.

More than 15 years associated with the brand No. 1 reliable professional construction consulting, inspection and design consulting company in Hai Phong, Sao Viet Construction Inspection and Design Consultancy Joint Stock Company has enough experience. experience and confidence to undertake judicial expertise in the construction sector. Our team of enthusiastic and responsible engineers wishes to best meet the requirements of judicial assessment of construction works in Hai Phong and across the country.


Construction judicial expertise means the performance of professional construction activities at the request of a procedure-conducting agency or person or at the request of an assessment requester in accordance with law. on judicial review. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the process of judicial assessment in the construction field to go smoothly to achieve the set purpose and have accurate results is the support of a professional construction assessment unit. .

Engineers performing judicial assessment in the field of construction have high professional qualifications, experience and ability, and at the same time firmly grasp the contents of the legal basis related to construction activities. The inspection was carried out effectively. Judicial assessment results are very decisive to the construction process as well as to ensure the quality of the works, so the construction judicial assessment needs to be taken seriously, according to the content of the project. outline and with suitable equipment.

Giam dinh tu phap trong linh vuc xay dung

Justice inspection in construction field in Hai Phong city and nationwide


Judicial assessment in the field of construction investment  (hereinafter referred to as construction judicial assessment) means the use of scientific and technical knowledge, means and methods by individuals or organizations. , expertise to evaluate and draw conclusions on expertise on matters solicited or requested for assessment in construction investment activities at the request of procedure-conducting agencies, procedure-conducting persons or at the request of the person requesting the expertise according to the provisions of law. Understanding the outstanding advantages and strengths of its construction inspection and inspection, Sao Viet (SVG Engineering) constantly promotes the development of services related to judicial assessment of construction works. This is an important task that is put on top, it contributes to checking and evaluating the authenticity of construction issues solicited and required for assessment.

Specifically, we receive judicial assessment of residential construction projects, industrial park factory projects, industrial park factory projects, civil construction works, public judicial expertise. program under the management of the Hai Phong and across the country. Sao Viet (SVG Engineering) is always actively looking for customers and creating opportunities for capacity development and brand development throughout the country. Proven by a series of bidding packages for judicial assessment in the field of civil construction.

Giam dinh tu phap trong linh vuc xay dung

SVG specialized in justice inspection in construction field in Hai Phong and nationwide

In particular, the contents of judicial expertise in SVG construction investment activities include:

- Judicial assessment of compliance with the provisions of law in construction investment activities, including stages: from formulation of construction investment projects, to construction survey, to construction design, to construction construction, exploitation, use and maintenance of works.

- Judicial assessment of construction quality includes: quality assessment of construction survey, construction design, construction materials, construction products, construction equipment, construction parts, construction works construction and inspection of construction incidents.

- Judicial assessment of work construction investment costs, work value and other related costs, including: assessment of total investment, work construction estimate, settlement of investment capital construction, residual value of the work and other related issues.

Being evaluated as a reputable professional construction quality assessment unit in Hai Phong, Sao Viet (SVG Engineering) always strictly implements judicial assessment in the field of construction. Construction judicial assessment including full contents is conducted according to a methodical process committed to bringing accurate and transparent results to the assessment requester.

Giam dinh tu phap trong linh vuc xay dung

SVG specialize in justice construction field in Hai Phong City and nationwide

The implementation of judicial expertise in the field of construction: 

1. Sao Viet prepares and sends to the assessment requester an outline of the assessment. The content of the inspection outline includes the following basic contents:

a) List of applicable national technical regulations and standards;

b) Objects and scope of construction assessment

c) A list of personnel performing the assessment, the person assigned to preside over the assessment, information on the capacity of the person in charge and individuals performing the assessment;

d) Methods of construction assessment;

e) List of equipment used for construction inspection

g) Expenses for assessment, estimated time to complete the assessment;

h) Other conditions as prescribed by law for assessment. In case of necessity, individuals or organizations performing judicial expertise shall request the expertise requesting party to conduct a preliminary survey of expertised objects in order to draw up an assessment outline, unless otherwise provided for by law. other provisions.

2. The assessment requester considers the outline to serve as the basis for the assessment. Depending on the nature of the case solicited or requested for expertise, the party requesting the expertise may consult the state management agency in charge of construction on the contents of the outline.

3. SVG Engineering shall notify in writing the requesting party of the changes in personnel performing the inspection or other changes related to the process of conducting the inspection such as arising of the volume of implementation, adjustment of the inspection. time to complete the assessment work... (if any).

4. During the implementation, the person in charge of the assessment must make a document recording the process and results of the assessment as prescribed. The document recording the inspection process is made in the form of a diary, is numbered and certified by the party requesting the inspection.

Contents of the document recording the process and results of the assessment, including: the actual daily status of the assessment; personnel and equipment for implementation; monitoring and measurement results (if any); problems arising if they occur during implementation and other related problems.

Along with the capacity and experience in the field of construction quality assessment, Sao Viet engineer also promotes outstanding strengths in the field of inspection. Not to mention the success from the construction quality inspection of industrial park factory projects.



Hai Phong Office: 

SVG Building - Bui Vien Street - Le Chan District - Hai Phong City 

Tel: (0225) 3.747.819

Website: &

Hotline: 0902.593.686 - 0936.547.819

Email: &

Branch office: 

1, Ha Noi Branch Office: No. 9, Alley 81 Hoang Cau Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi Capital

2, Ho Chi Minh Branch Office: 2/1C Cao Thang Street, 05 Ward, 3 District, Ho Chi Minh City